[Cuis] cuis on pda
Casey Ransberger
casey.obrien.r at gmail.com
Wed Aug 15 10:07:22 CDT 2012
Yo debo aprender a construir la VM. Nunca he hecho, en parte porque la documentación parece obsoleta, y en parte porque soy vago.
I don't know how to say this in Spanish: (help?) I worry about losing compatibility with VMMaker, so I'd love to see folks making VMs with Cuis on a regular basis.
Tal vez le daré un tiro y documento el proceso.
Si terminas rodando un cierre habilitado VM para WinCE, por favor comparta sus resultados con la lista de VM-dev, como pueden haber otras personas que se beneficiarían de sus resultados.
Por favor perdona a mi español, como soy un donut de jalea.
On Aug 15, 2012, at 7:44 AM, Jerry Bell <jdbellomm at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thank you Juan!
> Yes, I've been pretty quiet. All my free time has been taken up with
> the new baby!
> The mention of Windows CE caught my eye. We have some Windows Mobile
> 5 and 6 ruggedized PDA devices here that I would like to run Smalltalk
> on. I've read a little about the old WinCE VM and I believe that it
> would be possible to build a much better VM for the Windows CE 5.0
> based devices. Mainly, the memory model has changed so it should be
> easier to access much larger chunks of memory than before. Please see
> the following link:
> http://denniskrabbe.wordpress.com/2009/10/09/windows-mobile-heaps-from-the-large-memory-area/
> I haven't decided to pursue this yet for a couple of reasons. First,
> it would involve VM level work which I'm not very comfortable with.
> That's not a big deal, as I believe it would be a fun project and I'm
> sure I would learn a lot. Second, and more worrisome, Windows Mobile
> 5 and 6 seem to be a dead-end platform. The new Windows Phone stuff
> is completey different. I'm not sure I want to invest a lot of time
> and effort into a dead-end platform.
> On the other hand, as far as I can tell, these ruggedized "enterprise
> digital assistant" devices (like the Symbol / Motorola MC75) will be
> using Windows Mobile for the forseeable future, so it might be worth
> the effort. For me, a lot will depend on whether the company I work
> for decides to continue using the ruggedized handheld devices, or
> switches to iPad or Android tablets with waterproof cases.
> In the meantime, I'm interested to hear from anyone who is working on
> the WinCE VM!
> Jerry
> On Wed, Aug 15, 2012 at 5:09 AM, Juan Vuletich <juan at jvuletich.org> wrote:
>> Hi Jerry!
>> I hope you're doing well. Haven't had news from you for some time...
>> My apologies. I answered Juan's message without realizing that it was in
>> foreign language for this list... Thanks!
>> Juan Diaz said:
>> People of Cuis, I need to run a Smalltalk on a PDA with WinCE 5.0. Someone
>> told me Cuis could run on PDA. Any idea is welcome.
>> And I answered:
>> You need a VM for your platform. Some time ago I used one from
>> http://www.is.titech.ac.jp/~ohshima/squeak/WinCE/ , the non GAPI one. These
>> VMs are old, and they don't support closures. Therefore they can run Cuis
>> 1.0, but not newer versions. You can also compile your own VM.
>> Cheers,
>> Juan Vuletich
>> Jerry Bell wrote:
>>> Juan(s),
>>> Do you mind translating for me?
>>> Thank you!
>>> Jerry
>>> On Aug 14, 2012, at 6:15 PM, Juan Vuletich <juan at jvuletich.org> wrote:
>>>> Hola Juan,
>>>> Necesitas una VM para tu plataforma. Yo usé hace tiempo una de
>>>> http://www.is.titech.ac.jp/~ohshima/squeak/WinCE/ , la no GAPI. Estas VMs
>>>> son viejas, y no soportan closures. Así que pueden correr Cuis 1.0, pero no
>>>> versiones más nuevas.
>>>> Por supuesto, también podés compilar tu propia VM.
>>>> Saludos,
>>>> Juan Vuletich
>>>> Juan wrote:
>>>>> Juan
>>>>> Gente de Cuis, necesito hacer correr un smalltalk en una pda con wince
>>>>> vers 5.0
>>>>> desearia podes usar smallltalk, me comentaron que Cuis corría o corre en
>>>>> pda.
>>>>> Cualquier idea sera agradecida
>>>>> saludos Juan Marcelo Diaz Corte
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