[Cuis] How do I file in the updates into Cuis 4.0?

H. Hirzel hannes.hirzel at gmail.com
Mon Aug 27 13:13:28 CDT 2012


I have downloaded Cuis 4.0 (April 21, 2012 lastUpdate: #1260) and I
now would like to apply the updates.

I downloaded all the file from
https://github.com/jvuletich/Cuis/zipball/master and unpacked it.
There is a folder 'CuisUpdates'.

How do I apply it?

I can see the files in the FileList Browser but it does not allow me
to select all at once. (on Windows 7)

Do I need to click them one by one and the 'file in' button? Or is
there a general command to apply all the updates in a directory?

Thank you for the answer in advance.


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