[Cuis] [Ann] Cuis 4.1 is released

David T. Lewis lewis at mail.msen.com
Mon Dec 17 22:15:33 CST 2012

On Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 04:19:54PM -0300, juan at jvuletich.org wrote:
> > Extremely impressive Juan.  Congratulations.  Morphic3 is something
> > that sounds worth breaking backward-compatibility in Squeak if it
> > would ever possible to run there.
> Thanks Chris. I still need to work on M3 for several months before it is
> usable. I hope to be able to release some alpha code sooner. In any case,
> what you say opens many interesting questions. Cuis was forked just for
> technical reasons (not social or personal), and I think it still is a
> 'Squeak distribution'.

To me, Cuis represents the best of Squeak: Elegant simplicity, high quality,
and a sense of vision. While I personally spend most of my time with Squeak
trunk, I really do appreciate Cuis.

> If there is enough interest in the Squeak community, the bigger issue is
> how to deal with multiple distributions. Does Squeak need to support just
> one distribution? Can it handle several? Or maybe there should not be an
> 'official squeak', but a set of pieces from where anybody could build her
> own, personalized Squeak?

Good questions. And if we can do these things, we should also be able
to do a better job of supporting and enabling Etoys, Scratch, and other
'distributions'. Ultimately perhaps Cuis may provide a better way of doing
these things, as it seems to be inherently simpler and smaller than the
'official Squeak' itself.


> I don't have any answers. But I'm willing to think and discuss, to find
> the best way, for people to have freedom to pick their own balance between
> between compatibility, features,
> evolutivity, etc. All this, enabling reuse and reducing duplication of
> efforts...
> Cheers,
> Juan Vuletich

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