[Cuis] [Fwd: Re: [squeak-dev] Squeaksource, Squeak and Pharo..]

Angel Java Lopez ajlopez2000 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 26 05:29:34 CST 2012

+100 GitHub

GH is the greatest thing since sliced bread ;-) fork, pull request, issues,
good markdown support, GitHub pages, all you need for social coding


On Wed, Dec 26, 2012 at 8:14 AM, Germán Arduino <garduino at gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks by share.
> About repositories I feel very comfortable working with GitHub and really
> I can't saw any sense to the development effort of SmalltalkHub only to?
> Being built in smalltalk? But paying the price of being isolated of all the
> rest of the developers that are currently using GitHub....
> Just an opinion.
> Cheers.
> 2012/12/25 Juan Vuletich <juan at jvuletich.org>
>> FYI...
>> -------- Original Message --------
>> From:   - Tue Dec 25 22:24:04 2012
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>> Date:   Tue, 25 Dec 2012 22:24:00 -0300
>> From:   Juan Vuletich <juan at jvuletich.org>
>> User-Agent:     Thunderbird (Windows/20100228)
>> MIME-Version:   1.0
>> To:     Ron Teitelbaum <ron at usmedrec.com>
>> CC:     'The general-purpose Squeak developers list' <squeak-dev at lists.**
>> squeakfoundation.org <squeak-dev at lists.squeakfoundation.org>>, 'dimitris
>> chloupis' <thekilon at yahoo.co.uk>, stephane.ducasse at gmail.com
>> Subject:        Re: [squeak-dev] Squeaksource, Squeak and Pharo..
>> References: <CAJbhyRFcERf5+2hxSU-Zj-**ikxGjt-e=NZs1XrKP5-apf7btcgQ@**
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>> Hi Folks,
>> Thanks for suggesting all this, Ron.
>> (inline)
>> Ron Teitelbaum wrote:
>>> I’m happy with the fragmentation. I wasn’t at the start of this
>>> conversation but I think I’m starting to appreciate it. I agree that the
>>> goals for each are a bit different and having separated achieving those
>>> goals is easier. We are building some new stuff and it seems that selecting
>>> the right fork for the right job “may” not have been possible without the
>>> split. There are a number of new developments coming, (in the VM, Spoon,
>>> Seaside, Cuis, EToys, …) and it’s possible that one big monolithic Squeak
>>> may have made it more difficult for all. It seems that we are closer to
>>> having split up the components then we had thought.
>> I agree.
>>  I know we cannot make everyone happy. It seems that the starting point
>>> which seems to me to be COG, is the common link that binds everything else.
>>> Let me know if you think that is wrong. If that is true then building
>>> Squeak, or Pharo, or Cuis from a single point seems like something that
>>> might help bring the communities back together. Will Github or SmalltalkHub
>>> help to accomplish this? If this were a goal would either do more than the
>>> other?
>> I believe that the option that allows for a minimal image that can grow
>> is something close to the package support in Cuis, that is extremely
>> compact, doesn't require Monticello and relies on Github (or similar) for
>> version control. I like the idea of building each distribution from a
>> single point. That single point could be not far from current Cuis. I
>> believe that Cuis, removing Morphic, programming tools, and any other
>> non-kernel image or Cuis specific stuff, could become that single point.
>> If the people behind other Squeak distributions and Squeak derived
>> projects want to go ahead with this, I volunteer for building that starting
>> point by removing from Cuis any stuff that anybody doesn't want in there.
>> Then, the Cuis distribution would be built by loading a set of packages on
>> top of it. The same could be done for the projects that adhere to this
>> idea. Some of those packages could be shared. For instance, for Cuis, I'd
>> be more than happy to use the Compiler package that Eliot works on. But,
>> most likely, I'd not use the same Morphic package as Squeak. This could
>> reduce the effort due to code duplication.
>>  I agree with the goal, we want to be able to load a package and have it
>>> work and it would be nice if the dependencies were limited/managed such so
>>> that it will load in any fork. Not all packages will load in every fork so
>>> knowing which will work beforehand is preferable. VW is different since
>>> nobody expects that with some work it will run on Oinq, I mean Cog (my name
>>> for the vm didn’t stick).
>> Qwaq for the voice of the duck, and Oinq for the pig, right? :)
>>  It seems to me that it doesn’t really matter. There seems to be some
>>> movement behind Metacello and SmalltalkHub. Sometimes movement is
>>> preferable to good ideas. If Metacello works for Squeak and will work with
>>> SmalltalkHub should we not include it in Squeak to give it a boost? If
>>> Squeak goes with GitHub will Pharo follow?
>> Cuis doesn't include Monticello. I believe that a more compact and
>> simpler implementation of package support, together with Github for version
>> control, repositories, etc. is better. We are already using this with Cuis,
>> and the results are good. It would be quite improbable that I could be
>> persuaded of pre-loading Monticello into Cuis.
>>  Nobody likes change but if we would all benefit from adopting some
>>> similar tools should we not consider doing that for the benefit of the
>>> entire Smalltalk community.
>> Agreed. Especially if it helps making the system (Cuis in my case)
>> simpler, easy to understand, and manage.
>> Cheers,
>> Juan Vuletich
>>  All the best,
>>> *Ron Teitelbaum*
>>> /Head Of Engineering/
>>> *3d Immersive Collaboration Consulting*
>>> ron at 3dicc.com <mailto:ron at 3dicc.com>
>>> Follow Me On Twitter: @RonTeitelbaum <https://twitter.com/**
>>> RonTeitelbaum <https://twitter.com/RonTeitelbaum>>
>>> www.3dicc.com <http://www.3dicc.com/>
>>> 3d ICC on G+ <https://plus.google.com/u/0/**b/108936249366287171125/**
>>> 108936249366287171125/posts<https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/108936249366287171125/108936249366287171125/posts>
>>> >
>>> *From:* squeak-dev-bounces at lists.**squeakfoundation.org<squeak-dev-bounces at lists.squeakfoundation.org>[mailto:
>>> squeak-dev-bounces@**lists.squeakfoundation.org<squeak-dev-bounces at lists.squeakfoundation.org>]
>>> *On Behalf Of *Juan Vuletich (mail lists)
>>> *Sent:* Friday, December 21, 2012 3:47 PM
>>> *To:* dimitris chloupis; The general-purpose Squeak developers list
>>> *Subject:* Re: [squeak-dev] Squeaksource, Squeak and Pharo..
>>> Cuis is reasonably compatible with Squeak. It has a distinct set of
>>> objectives, so some decisions are taken differently. Please see
>>> http://www.jvuletich.org/Cuis/**Index.html<http://www.jvuletich.org/Cuis/Index.html>.
>>> Maybe after some time with the various Smalltalk variants you get used
>>> to that fragmentation, and believe there are reasons for it. Or maybe you
>>> can help find the means to reduce that fragmentation.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Juan Vuletich
>>> Quoting dimitris chloupis <thekilon at yahoo.co.uk <mailto:
>>> thekilon at yahoo.co.uk>>**:
>>>     Thank you. I am definetly going to take a look at Cuis. How
>>>     compatible is Cuis to Squeak ?
>>>     By the way I am already using Github for my first smalltalk
>>>     (pharo) project which I call "Ephestos", together with ss3 as a
>>>     backup plan.
>>>     I dont do much with git , just the usual stuff, git push commit
>>>     pull rm add .
>>>     I have to say, the smalltalk field is abit confusing to me as a
>>>     beginner, there is squeak , then there is pharo , then there is
>>>     Cuis, etc etc
>>>     Its a pity there is so much fragmentation. I am sure for some
>>>     people this kind of freedome is cool and fun , but I personally
>>>     try find ways to make things work together.
>>>     But I have loads of fun with pharo , and definitely my eye is on
>>>     Squeak too. I love smalltalk I wish I had discovered it earlier.
>>>     But better late than never I guess :D
>>>     ------------------------------**------------------------------**
>>> ------------
>>>     *From:* Juan Vuletich (mail lists) <juanlists at jvuletich.org
>>>     <mailto:juanlists at jvuletich.**org <juanlists at jvuletich.org>>>
>>>     *To:* dimitris chloupis <thekilon at yahoo.co.uk
>>>     <mailto:thekilon at yahoo.co.uk>>**; The general-purpose Squeak
>>>     developers list <squeak-dev at lists.**squeakfoundation.org<squeak-dev at lists.squeakfoundation.org>
>>>     <mailto:squeak-dev at lists.**squeakfoundation.org<squeak-dev at lists.squeakfoundation.org>
>>> >>
>>>     *Sent:* Friday, 21 December 2012, 21:33
>>>     *Subject:* Re: [squeak-dev] Squeaksource, Squeak and Pharo..
>>>     Hi Dimitris,
>>>     With Cuis, we use Github as the main place for storing packages.
>>>     We use git as it is intended to be used. This means that we let
>>>     git handle file versioning. Besides, Cuis uses lf as the line
>>>     terminator. This means that git can diff and merge Cuis packages.
>>>     For example see
>>>     https://github.com/pbella/**Cuis-Ports/commit/**
>>> d2c70f95b6efee4f4d7671f432b4b3**04b5115c1d<https://github.com/pbella/Cuis-Ports/commit/d2c70f95b6efee4f4d7671f432b4b304b5115c1d>
>>>     .
>>>     Cheers,
>>>     Juan Vuletich
>>>     Quoting dimitris chloupis <thekilon at yahoo.co.uk
>>>     <mailto:thekilon at yahoo.co.uk>>**:
>>>         SqueakMap is dead, SqueakSource dead, later SmalltalkHub will
>>>         be dead.
>>>         I am coming from pharo by the way, I am new with smalltalk, I
>>>         was a python developer.
>>>         And I love squeak too.
>>>         I dont understand why every smalltalk problem should be solved
>>>         by smalltalk.
>>>         Github is a great community , already has gathered tons of
>>>         ruby and python projects, js and many more.
>>>         I think its a great candidate for smalltalk, no offense
>>>         intended but definitely better that what SmalltalkHub can offer.
>>>         I want to embrace at times all these smalltalk technologies,
>>>         but is hard to abandon Gihub that I have used for my projects
>>>         and support the smalltalk solutions instead.
>>>         I dont want to downgrade the hard work of good people, but its
>>>         hard to compete with products that are designed full time by
>>>         big teams and matured through thousands of use cases.
>>>         My vote goes to Github.
>>>         ------------------------------**------------------------------**
>>> ------------
>>>         *From:* Göran Krampe <goran at krampe.se <mailto:goran at krampe.se>>
>>>         *To:* The general-purpose Squeak developers list
>>>         <squeak-dev at lists.**squeakfoundation.org<squeak-dev at lists.squeakfoundation.org>
>>>         <mailto:squeak-dev at lists.**squeakfoundation.org<squeak-dev at lists.squeakfoundation.org>
>>> >>
>>>         *Sent:* Thursday, 20 December 2012, 23:14
>>>         *Subject:* Re: [squeak-dev] Squeaksource, Squeak and Pharo..
>>>         Hi folks!
>>>         As the author of SqueakMap, long time Squeaker (and nowadays
>>>         both Squeaker and Pharooner) and also involved in some other
>>>         related projects (SmalltalkHub and more) my view might be of
>>>         some interest.
>>>         First of all, Angel compares with the rest of the world - but
>>>         we have both historic and technical differences at play. Some
>>>         things worth noting:
>>>         - SqueakMap was indeed started out as a generic package
>>>         *catalog*. It is not a SCM tool. It was format agnostic from
>>>         the very beginning.
>>>         - Monticello and SqueakSource came from Avi. Superb tools but
>>>         when Squeaksource came I quickly warned the community that it
>>>         would deminish SqueakMap because it overlapped and "took over"
>>>         several "catalog" aspects. I was right unfortunately, but at
>>>         the same time SS was great and has served us very well in its
>>>         own right.
>>>         - Noone has really taken SM and moved it forward. I also don't
>>>         have that amount of free time anymore.
>>>         - SqueakMap is dead. Face it. :) It is not the future IMHO.
>>>         - Monticello and Metacello are the de facto standard these
>>>         days for SCM and package loading. Metacello took the whole
>>>         dependencies/tagging/releases issue and simply rode on MC to
>>>         solve it. I have felt it looks overly complex but it's mostly
>>>         some line noise - it is not that complicated.
>>>         - This also means that for a very, very long time package
>>>         management and source code management will be forever
>>>         "intertwined" in the Smalltalk world. Personally I say - fine!
>>>         Again, let's just embrace it and go.
>>>         - The advantage is that Metacello "configurations" is "just
>>>         code" and can offer functionality totally independent of the
>>>         hosting platform for MC. So it doesn't matter if you load a
>>>         Metacello configuration from a website, from SS or SS3 or
>>>         Smalltalkhub - it all works the same!
>>>         - Monticello AND Metacello are meant to work in Squeak too. I
>>>         haven't tried, but I presume Metacello works or is very close
>>>         to working?
>>>         - Pharo is betting hard on Smalltalkhub. It is a really nice
>>>         system AND there is also an image side client tool brewing for
>>>         it! This means the equivalence of the SqueakMap Package Loader
>>>         will be easy to build in Squeak for Smalltalkhub.
>>>         So my advice would be:
>>>         1. Keep SqueakMap on oxygen for a little while longer while we
>>>         get ready to ditch it. Really.
>>>         2. Bet hard on Monticello (we already do, right?) and
>>>         Metacello for Squeak. Make sure they work. Embrace Metacello
>>>         even if it does look a bit complex to begin with. There are
>>>         lots of articles, tutorials and tons of examples to just copy
>>>         from. I have written two configurations these last two days
>>>         and "the shit works". Good work Dale! :)
>>>         3. Get involved in Smalltalkhub and help out making it work
>>>         fine for Squeak, note the name - *Smalltalk* hub. It's not
>>>         Pharohub! Don't set up your own unless for some odd reason
>>>         Pharo makes it uninhabitable for Squeak and turns it into
>>>         "Pharohub".
>>>         Note that Smalltalkhub is "just" a new SS, but much more solid
>>>         architecture, really snazzy modern web UI, offering githubish
>>>         features and bloody hell, I mean, it can show diffs right
>>>         there in the browser!
>>>         Smalltalkhub also has a really cool architecture so the coding
>>>         fun is rated A++, Nicolas is busy as a bee making it better,
>>>         better. I think it should be seen as a unifying playground and
>>>         Metacello as the "glue" that makes it possible to have
>>>         projects tailored for both Squeak and Pharo. It has many
>>>         functions for EXACTLY that.
>>>         Either way, I am putting my efforts right there. IMHO the
>>>         Squeak community should do so too. If the Squeak community can
>>>         ride a bit on the momentum in Pharo - there is really no
>>>         reason not to.
>>>         regards, Göran
>> ______________________________**_________________
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>> Cuis at jvuletich.org
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> --
> ============================================
> Germán S. Arduino  <gsa @ arsol.net>   Twitter: garduino
> Arduino Software  http://www.arduinosoftware.com
> PasswordsPro  http://www.passwordspro.com
> greensecure.blogspot.com germanarduino.blogspot.com
> ============================================
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