[Cuis] Once central repo for Cuis and Packages? Or just a central list?

Juan Vuletich juan at jvuletich.org
Sun Dec 30 12:25:46 CST 2012

Ok. Added the list to https://github.com/jvuletich/Cuis .

Please send pull requests, or email, to update it.

Juan Vuletich

H. Hirzel wrote:
> On 12/30/12, Angel Java Lopez <ajlopez2000 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi people!
>> Yes, you usually work on master (it could be called the "developer
>> branch"), and when you are ready, tag it. Ummm.. you tag your local repo,
>> and then push the tags to Github. AFAIK, you could move the tag to other
>> commit, for example, if there are a minor fix in documentation or something
>> alike.
>> Having packages out of the central repo, is more agile.
> +1
>> Maybe a "solution at the middle": some "blessed" (easy to test, to load
>> from core in central repo, many used, important for community, etc...)
>> packages are at central repo, and the other packages are listed in a page
> I think a 'scripts' and a doc subdirectory in the main repo are fine
> at the moments.
> I.e.
> https://gist.github.com/4387924
> should be moved to a directory there and maintained by the community
> through pull requests.
> People need to
> a) find the loadable packages
> b) know about their status
> c) have a means to load them automatically (not through a GUI)
> for example
> "To install Cypress, assuming the package files are in 'cuis-cypress-master'
> in a subdirectory of the working directory"
> #(
>  'cuis-cypress-master\Cypress-Definitions.pck'
>  'cuis-cypress-master\Cypress-Structure.pck'
>  'cuis-cypress-master\Cypress-Mocks.pck'
>  'cuis-cypress-master\Cypress-Tests.pck'
> )
>    do:
>     [ :fileName | CodeFileBrowser installPackage:
>                       (FileStream concreteStream readOnlyFileNamed: fileName)
>     ]
> However preferably directly through web access to github without
> having to download the pck files first.
> --Hannes
>> Angel "Java" Lopez
>> @ajlopez
>> On Sun, Dec 30, 2012 at 9:01 AM, Juan Vuletich <juan at jvuletich.org> wrote:
>>> Hi Angel,
>>> I really like the idea of having a single and consistent git commit of a
>>> Cuis version and all the packages that work on it. It would make much
>>> easier to go back to some date, and grab stuff that works well together.
>>> One downside is a bit more work for repo admin. A bigger one is that it
>>> makes things a slower for package maintainers. But the consistency might
>>> outweigh them.
>>> Below, I extracted Angel's comments on this. Folks, please comment. Add
>>> steps or ideas to complete or enhance Angel's suggestion. Or if you don't
>>> like it, please say why. This is a rather important decision, and I'd
>>> like
>>> we to make a good choice.
>>> One quick question for Angel (I'm a beginner with github): Can we tag a
>>> commit after it was done? That way, we could work together on Cuis and
>>> Packages for several days (involving many commits) and only when we are
>>> all
>>> happy, we can tag the last one as "v4.1 with packages" or something like
>>> that.
>>> Cheers,
>>> Juan Vuletich
>>> Angel Java Lopez wrote:
>>>> ...
>>>> But having the central repo with the package (not a link), has an
>>>> advantage: central repo could have tags. So, the packages at tag
>>>> "v0.1.0"
>>>> are all compatible with that tag, and every improvement at tag "v0.2.0"
>>>> should be committed to that tag. The "master" tag is the development
>>>> tag.
>>>> So, I could download the v0.2.0 with all the optional packages of that
>>>> version, without struggling going to each package author repo, and
>>>> trying
>>>> to guess what package/tag is compatible with Cuis v0.2.0
>>>> Cons: it put more responsability to central repo author(s).
>>>>     2012/12/27 Angel Java Lopez <ajlopez2000 at gmail.com
>>>>     <mailto:ajlopez2000 at gmail.com>**>
>>>>         Until you have a package manager, first idea:
>>>>         Use the cuis repo at GitHub.
>>>>         Every contributor make a fork.
>>>>         He/she add the code to his/her fork.
>>>>         Make a pull request to central repo
>>>>         Maybe, a guide to have folders per package/topic.
>>>>         ...
>>>>         Angel "MyLifeIsGitHub" Lopez ;-)
>>>>         github:ajlopez
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