[Cuis] Time to break Morphic?

Phil (list) pbpublist at gmail.com
Fri May 18 15:48:10 CDT 2012


On May 17, 2012, at 9:25 PM, Juan Vuletich wrote:

> Ok. It is available now. I just created a GitHub repository for Cuis, at https://github.com/jvuletich/Cuis <https://github.com/jvuletich/Cuis/issues> . At https://github.com/jvuletich/Cuis/tree/master/Cuis4WithLatestUpdates you have an image that already includes the recommended updates, up to 1288. At https://github.com/jvuletich/Cuis/tree/master/ExperimentalUpdates you have the local coordinate stuff. Please install the change sets in numerical order. Hopefully they will make sense to you. I'm preparing a readme.txt with some explanations now. Maybe it is there too by the time you get this message.
> If you can help with this you are absolutely welcome!
> Cheers,
> Juan Vuletich

I've had a chance to take a quick look at the code and your notes and had a few quick questions/comments:

1) If I'm understanding the main work to be done for local coords, it looks like there are ~160 methods to be modified (senders of morphPosition, morphPosition:, bounds, bounds:)  Does that sound about right or am I missing part of the effort?

2) I'm not clear on your point re: 'the programmer needs to know who the owner is'... as long as the morph knows what morph it's contained in and can cascade call up the morph containment hierarchy to get an absolute position in owner, why does the programmer need to know or care?  I get why whoever creates the Morph needs to know the owner (i.e. to set it) but your statement seemed more general than that.

3) Also, I assume that there's a significance to your different flags such as #jmvVer2, #revisar etc... and I think I get what #revisarM3 is for but what about the others?

4) No problem re: comments in Spanish... Google translate makes that a non-issue :-)

I'm sure you've got other priorities than getting the local coord stuff done right now, but to make sure we're not duplicating effort would it make sense to have me start with classes starting with A and work down and you take the Z's  and work up where possible? (I haven't even begun to think about any interdependencies that might cause problems with that approach... it's just a top of head idea)


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