[Cuis] OSProcess status

Juan Vuletich juan at jvuletich.org
Sat Dec 14 18:17:21 CST 2013

On 12/14/2013 3:01 PM, David T. Lewis wrote:
> On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 09:35:47AM -0200, Germ?n Arduino wrote:
>> Hi:
>> I remember some old threads about OSProcess. It's ported for Cuis? Where?
> Hi Germ?n,
> I just tried loading OSProcess from some change sets that I exported
> from Squeak. There are a number of issues to be sorted out, but overall
> I was able to get it working.
> I have a question about how to support a package in Cuis. I keep OSProcess
> in a Monticello repository, and I would like to keep the development
> sources all in one place. I also would like to support Cuis, and keep
> Cuis fully up to date with any changes that I might make. What would
> be a good way to do this? I would not mind going through some extra
> steps to produce the Cuis version, but I'm not sure the best way to
> do it.
> Consider me a newbie here, as I have not yet tried out the Cuis development
> process, so I may be asking a stupid question here.
> Thanks,
> Dave

Hi David,

That would be great! We all would really appreciate if you support Cuis.

Yours is a very relevant question. In any case any question you (or 
anybody) might have is welcome. At worst, it could point to some 
deficiency in documentation or communication.

There are two separate issues. The first is that we don't use 
Monticello. But we can read MCZ packages, and add a few tools to diff 
them etc if useful. I don't think the file format will be a serious 
problem, and I'd like to support the process you come with, and make it 
the "official suggestion" on how to maintain multi dialect packages.

The second issue is library compatibility. There are a few differences 
between Squeak, Pharo and Cuis, and they affect packages from time to 
time. If the same person is supporting several dialects (this is not 
always the case), then a unified code base is best. Sometimes the 
package can be tweaked to use the common denominator, without a high 
cost in code clarity or performance. Sometimes, a simple tweak or 
addition to some dialect might ease things. Count on me wrt that! And 
sometimes, a compatibility layer is the best option. I'm sure everybody 
here will be willing to help with that.

Juan Vuletich

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