[Cuis] Cuis on Raspberry Pi

nacho 0800nacho at gmail.com
Sun Dec 22 14:13:25 CST 2013

Juan / Cuisers 
I've been playing around with the new image. It much faster, though not as
faster as Cuis3.
The procedure I'm always doing with a new image is:
1) in the World (PasteUpMoroh) I'm setting backgroundImage and
backgroundImageData, both to nil.

2) Preferences class >> #aaFontsColormapDepth 
      I'm using 3.
3) Preferences class >> #initialize
     Preferences slowMachine
(which set as false a number of things like: smartUpdating, checkForSlips,
subPixelRederFonts, etc) and also sets the ClassicTheme (if installed).
4) Setting display depth at 16, which works good.

Now finally regarding the changes you made, the feeling definitely snappier.
I did some changes (I'm attaching a change set) to avoid the black cast
being draw at all. That slows things. I don't know how to do this without
affecting Cuis under other environments that can handle this good.

And finally the last thing that I notice that still presents a problem is
window resizing, as it's done fully drawing the contents of the window as
oposite to Cuis3 in which only the contour was drawn.
Juan, thanks for your support on this. I think it's going to be great to
have a very good smalltalk working on the pi. Some might wonder it's just a
toy. Well it is, for me (a grown up children) and for children too. But what
strategy works best when learning? playing and having fun with a toy?  
I'm starting a blog which is going to be 100% devoted to the Pi and Cuis
Smalltalk. Just opened it 
pismalltalk.wordpress.com I have some materials already to be uploaded. Will
do it in the following days.
My idea there is to achieve a goal: Have a Personal Smalltalk Machine
running fast, with everything needed to develop educational, hobbits,
scientific, music, (dynabook style) applications. A system that will grow up
with the user at USD35.

Thanks for all
PS: Sorry I've used the change sorter, in now way I'm saying that 1899 has
to be added. It's just that I thought it was going to be easy to read the

Smalltalker apprentice.
Buenos Aires, Argentina.
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