[Cuis] Windows clipboard and Unicode

H. Hirzel hannes.hirzel at gmail.com
Thu Feb 21 16:10:20 CST 2013

Hello Juan

If I paste a text snippet which contains Unicode code points which
have no equivalent in ISO8959-15 the code points are correctly
converted to NCRs [1] in Cuis.

However if I copy  text snippet back from Cuis to a Unicode capable
MSWindows program the NCRs are not converted back.

I would like to have that option that NCRs are converted back to UFT8
before inserting thme into the clipboard.


[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NCR Numeric character reference, a
way of including a Unicode character in a web page

BTW your Unicode changes now make it very convenient to deal with HTML
pages in Cuis. According to http://trends.builtwith.com/encoding 75%
of the web pages are UTF8. And the ones I deal with are 100% UTF8!
Thank you for this effort. No the next task is to update the
libraries, e.g. Cuis-WebClient.

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