[Cuis] SpaceTally new printSpaceAnalysis: 1 on: strm

H. Hirzel hannes.hirzel at gmail.com
Fri Jan 4 02:01:00 CST 2013


Juan added the following 'Useful expression' to the help menu

"'Anaylize memory usage by class."

    (String streamContents: [ :strm | SpaceTally new
printSpaceAnalysis: 1 on: strm ]) edit.

BTW   Anaylize--> Analyze

'From Cuis 4.1 of 12 December 2012 [latest update: #1535] on 4 January
2013 at 7:07:51 am'!
Class                           code space # instances  inst space percent
Bitmap                                4027         479       9766072    73.8
CompiledMethod                       19871       16257       1079727     8.2
Array                                 1705       16109        568848     4.3
String                               19703       16710        357878     2.7
TrieNode                              1883       14232        284640     2.2
Symbol                                3937       13745        277724     2.1
ByteArray                             4547          19        154792     1.2
WeakArray                              860          43        146944     1.1
TrieLeaf                               560       10674        128088     1.0
MethodDictionary                      2118        1310        126148     1.0
Association                            662        6436         77232     0.6

So the major part of the image is taken by instances of Bitmap.


Kind regards

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