[Cuis] [4.1][Comments] Fixes needed for classes Morph, LayoutMorph, LayoutMorph

H. Hirzel hannes.hirzel at gmail.com
Fri Jan 4 05:41:44 CST 2013

Hello Juan

I started exploring how your version of Morphic works by browsing the
classes and reading the comments.

I came across the following three issues which need clarification:

a) Morph class comment

The comment of class Morph still mentions the old instance variables before 4.1.

Fix is important

b) Class comment of LayoutMorph

A row or column of widgets, does layout by placing them either
horizontally or vertically.

Submorphs might specify a LayoutSpec. If some doesn't REPLACEWITH:
don't, then, for a column, the column width is taken as the width, and
any morph height is kept. Same for rows: submorph width would be
maintained, and submorph height would be made equal to row height.

c) Class comment of InspectorWindow is missing

When looking how a GUI is built with the Cuis 4.1 version of Morphic I
wanted to look at a simple case, so I went to InspectorWindow.

I did not find any comment. I would appreciate a 'beginner style'
comment for this relatively simple GUI.

Kind regards


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