[Cuis] [4.1-1544] LayoutMorph example2 -- add #morphPosition: method as illustration

H. Hirzel hannes.hirzel at gmail.com
Sat Jan 5 05:52:42 CST 2013


I suggest that as an example

	pane morphPosition: 50 at 30.

is added to
    LayoutMorph example2

and maybe other examples

so that

   a) not all tests cover up each other in the upper right corner
   b) people do have an indication that the method
           #position:   (of Squeak) has changed to

    (less surprise and a few minutes of exploring saved which can be
spent on other things :-).

And the example exposes the same problem with layout and screen update
as the others.

Kind regards



	self example2
	| pane row |
	pane _ LayoutMorph newColumn separation: 5.
	pane morphPosition: 50 at 30.    "<<<<<<<<<<< NEWLY ADDED"
	pane color: Color red.
	row _ LayoutMorph newRow separation: 5.
		color: (Color h: 270 s: 0.2 v: 0.6);
		addMorph: (BorderedRectMorph new color: (Color h: 120 s: 0.6 v: 0.6))
			layoutSpec: (LayoutSpec fixedWidth: 20 proportionalHeight: 0.8
minorDirectionPadding: #bottom);
		addMorph: (BorderedRectMorph new color: (Color h: 90 s: 0.6 v: 0.6))
			layoutSpec: (LayoutSpec proportionalWidth: 0.8 fixedHeight: 40
minorDirectionPadding: #top);
		addMorph: (BorderedRectMorph new color: (Color h: 150 s: 0.6 v: 0.6))
			layoutSpec: (LayoutSpec fixedWidth: 30 proportionalHeight: 0.7
minorDirectionPadding: #center).
	pane addMorph: row layoutSpec: (LayoutSpec proportionalHeight: 0.9).
	pane openInWorld

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