[Cuis] [ANN] AidaWeb is available to use in Cuis Smalltalk

Germán Arduino garduino at gmail.com
Tue Jan 29 09:01:29 CST 2013

Hi Folks,

It's a pleasure inform that AidaWeb is available to use in Cuis
Smalltalk in the repo: https://github.com/garduino/Cuis-Aida

Thanks to the job of Janko to make the port to make it work in Cuis!

You can install it on a Cuis image using the script of the README (be
patient, the installation take time) or you can download a ready
to use Cog image from the link provided in the same README.


Coming Soon: A Morphic operator console for easier manage of Swazoo sites.

Juan: You should update the ListOfPackages, as usual :)

Germán Arduino

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