[Cuis] Why not just kill changesets?

Juan Vuletich juan at jvuletich.org
Thu Jan 3 10:23:04 CST 2013

Hi Casey,

I think we essentially agree. To summarize it a bit:
- Rebuilding the system from source would have some nice properties.
- This should be done without losing the nice properties of Smalltalk-80 
we already enjoy.
- It is a rather big project. There are some open problems to solve, and 
a lot of code to be written or adapted.

So, it is mainly about finding enough time / manpower to do it.

Juan Vuletich

Casey Ransberger wrote:
> Juan, you've made some interesting points here. I see some of your 
> reasoning more clearly now.
> Comments inline.
> On Wed, Jan 2, 2013 at 7:07 AM, Juan Vuletich <juan at jvuletich.org 
> <mailto:juan at jvuletich.org>> wrote:
>     Ok. This will be long :)
>  Yep:)
>     Casey Ransberger wrote:
>         Now that I've wrapped my head around the new Git Cuis dev
>         model, I would recommend grabbing a healthy supply of torches
>         and pitchforks, because I think I'm reaching for a Third
>         Option here. So we're all on the same page about what that means:
>         http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TakeAThirdOption
>     Thanks for the link. Sometimes I have trouble following the stuff
>     you quote.
> I should work on that. I use too much slang at times.
>         I thought about sending this straight to Juan, but why not,
>         whole list. I expect that Juan's arguments will be interesting
>         in this case.
>         Alright! What do we really need changesets for then? Why not
>         make developing the core the same as developing anything else?
>         So if we killed changesets:
>     Ok. It is a good question. I'll interleave some comments on your
>     Cons/Pros, and then add mine.
>         Cons:
>         - We'd have to engineer our way around the "breaking the
>         update stream" problem. This is work, but I'm sure it's
>         doable. I did it once:) and ContentPack happened because I
>         needed to do a spot of time travel to fix the update stream
>         after I broke it. If I can travel through time, I'm pretty
>         sure we can handle a bootstrapping problem. Especially given
>         that we have the computational equivalent of a TARDIS at our
>         disposal.
>         - Cuis now depends completely on Git. Note: Git is *extremely
>         popular,* not likely to go the way of the dodo any time soon,
>         and maintained like the Linux kernel matters to Linus. Also,
>         switching to another SCM should be relatively trivial when
>         necessary, if not painless. And: Git presently runs most
>         places where Cuis runs.
>     Ehhh. No. Cuis doesn't depend on Git at all. We use Git as a
>     shared, universally accessible repository. We also use it to
>     version files, and to ease teamwork. But Cuis is not tied to Git.
>     All Cuis needs is a local file system to store files (obviously, a
>     local clone of a Git repository works).
> This makes sense.
>         - Stuff I've missed.
>     I add some cons. But before that, I see two ways here. One is to
>     have a really small kernel, and load stuff to build images (the
>     Pavel way). The other one is to have a bigger image, with packages
>     always loaded, and load new versions of packages on top of old
>     ones to update the images (the Squeak way). So:
> Ahh, I hadn't thought about that in this context. It seems to have 
> been a prominent question in recent times. Monolithic vs. minimal. I 
> favor the latter, though I'll admit that I don't have a clear idea 
> about how to arrive there. Fortunately, Cuis is already very small, so 
> it's less of a pressing concern than it is in e.g., Squeak.
>     === Cons (a) miniKernel + loadable packages. Pavel's way:
>     - The artefact is no longer a Smalltalk-80 system. This is very
>     important to me. Smalltalk-80 is a huge landmark in the history of
>     computing. One of the main reasons I do Cuis is to preserve and
>     spread this legacy. This is the best tribute I can do to
>     Smalltalk-80 and its developers.
> :) And a fine tribute it is! I don't think I follow this completely 
> though. It's still the same system which came from PARC. To my mind, 
> if you unload the system browser, and then load it back in, it's still 
> the same system -- kind of like when the image was run through the 
> tracer to get a 64-bit image: it's a different representation of the 
> object memory, but still the same system in spirit.
> So I also think maybe I ought to talk about *why* I'd like to be able 
> to unload things like the UI: mainly for headless web servers, or REST 
> services in the backend of some big iron system. When you're e.g. 
> whitepages.com <http://whitepages.com>, the sheer amount of traffic 
> means you end up with a fleet of servers, and there start to be 
> arguments about how to squeeze the best performance out of them. This 
> has a nasty way of ending in Java. Morphic does stuff: and stuff takes 
> time and electricity. In applications that don't need it, there are 
> arguments for and against having it there. For: I can grab the image 
> from the borked server and have the debugger open and waiting for me. 
> Against: expensive compute resources that I probably don't need to be 
> spending on.
>     - Not having the dev tools in the image makes modifying it harder.
> Ah! Okay *now* I think I see where you're coming from. Right! I mean I 
> wouldn't recommend programming in bytecode or anything:) and I'm not 
> saying that we should develop in what's basically an OS kernel. 
> Definitely our development images should have the same set of great 
> tools we've got in there right now. But I *would* honestly prefer to 
> build the image up from its component parts when we ship.
>     - We're not showing newcomers the beauty of the Smalltalk system,
>     but just a bunch of files they need to 'make' in order to have
>     something useful.
> Again, this isn't my intent. I very much want folks to see the whole 
> system when they come to it.
>     - The mini-kernel will also need modifications from time to time.
>     How do we do that? With ChangeSets?
> I knew you were going to go there:) and I'm pretty sure there's a way 
> to bootstrap around that using purely git; this is the hypothetical 
> "dependence" on git that I was talking about originally. 
>     - Maintenance will take more work. We'd need procedures to update
>     or re-create the kernel, build the distributions, QA them, etc.
> Yeah. And maybe that actually doesn't make sense. To me, this sounds 
> like the "right" way to do it, but some of that may just be dogma that 
> I've been indoctrinated with. I definitely *don't* want to create 
> painful, unnecessary human process. This is an excellent point, Juan.
>     - As the only way to update an image is to rebuild it from
>     scratch, people wouldn't be able to update their own images. To
>     allow for this, we also introduce the Cons of (b), below.
> There's one that I didn't think of. 
>     === Cons (b) Packages always loaded. Squeak's way:
>     - We'd need a package loader with atomic loading. Squeak doesn't
>     yet have it, after a decade of using Monticello.
> Wait -- for some reason I don't think this is true any more. I thought 
> they added atomic loading in Squeak's MC implementation a bit ago. I 
> could be wrong, though. Anyhow, good point. There's a pile of work there.
>     - We'd need version, dependency, and version dependency control.
>     Otherwise, it is not just optional package loading that becomes
>     fragile, but the base system itself.
> We get the versioning part from Git right? And I think the dependency 
> control part might be undecidable with dynamic typing. I think that 
> part is a problem with all dynamic languages. There's no way to know 
> for sure what depends on what, but I definitely see your point. And 
> destabilizing the base unnecessarily is a bad plan. Point taken.
>     - It would be difficult and dangerous to update the Kernel and
>     PackageLoader packages.
> Until we found a way to do it safely. Big pile of work. Totally.
>     - In Squeak, we end having package postcripts, and strict load
>     ordering of package version. Loading intermediate versions is
>     required. There is, after all an update stream, but instead of a
>     small set of changes, each update includes all the code. It
>     becomes an huge monster that nobody can audit.
> Git changes are deltas. 
>     - Updating an image becomes muuuuuuch sloooooweeer.
> Agreed.
>     - When updating an image it is much harder to understand what
>     happened, to adapt our code.
>         Pros:
>         - No more confusing dichotomy between what's core and what
>         isn't; everything becomes a package, and lives in whatever
>         repository is appropriate. Symmetry. Exactly one way to manage
>         code. Kernel can be reduced to a bloody stump which has the
>         singular ability to load in other packages (attach limbs.)
>         Epic win for modularity.
>         - No more annoying dialogs about unsaved changes in core when
>         there aren't actually any. Everything is a package, so there
>         isn't a distinction. We don't need a special method to
>         determine what's part of core and what isn't WRT the warnings
>         about unsaved changed. Elegance, symmetry, less blivet to
>         worry about.
>         - We can completely unload (at least a lot) of the changeset
>         handling machinery*
>         - Smalltalk effectively becomes a peer to kernels which manage
>         code in files, which makes us a lot less of a scary monster to
>         newcomers.
>         - Stuff I've missed.
>         *Actually, I could be wrong about this part. Probably the Git
>         stuff is using a lot of it. But I'll bet a single US dollar
>         against the first of you who says killing changesets won't
>         eliminate some net (as opposed to "gross") code, even if I
>         might lose a dollar for dreaming too hard.
>     We can see Squeak's experience with eliminating ChangeSets, and
>     Pharo's experiments with Pharo-Core. Let's learn from them.
> Totally! 
>         I mean, why do anything halfway;) ?
>         Okay, so I'm totally locking the doors. It's always raining in
>         Seattle, so rebooting the Frankenstein monster shouldn't be
>         hard, I just have to wait for some lightning. If you try
>         creeping up on me, I'll be able to see your torches, so that's
>         not gonna work. Email is the best plan!
>         I can't wait to see what people think about this. Really, it's
>         about whether or not managing code is or is not Smalltalk's
>         problem in the modern world: and that's a hell of a question
>         to talk about, or I think so. I think it's genuinely an
>         important, and open question, specifically in this small
>         community.
>     Sure.
>         At this point, we're almost more of a quorum than a community,
>         and so: if we want to do this, we might be able to tackle it,
>         if we as a group found it sensible, before senseless
>         convention takes over and becomes effectively permanent, rigid.
>     I agree. This is the best time to evaluate all possible options.
>         Okay now's the time to use your torches and pitchforks. I'll
>         be hiding under the couch. In an unspecified apartment in
>         Seattle. Go.
>     :) I hope tolerance and respect for everybody's freedom wins.
>  I was joking about the torches and pitchforks!
>     Cheers,
>     Juan Vuletich
>         P.S.
>         I presently have low confidence that ContentPack still works
>         right presently:( and I'm okay with that, but either I've got
>         to fix it or we should unload it and move on.
>         -- 
>         Casey Ransberger
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> Casey Ransberger
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