[Cuis] [ANN] A first port to Cuis of Sport and Swazoo

H. Hirzel hannes.hirzel at gmail.com
Mon Jan 21 02:42:37 CST 2013

Hello Germán

Thank you for porting Sport and Swazoo.

Regarding Unicode support I think we can say that Cuis has limited
Unicode support

1) It reads and writes files in UTF8
2) The clipboard is UTF8

The limitation is that only certain code points are supported
internally -- actually only 256 of them. Internally the characters are
8 bit.

We have the utility method
Character class>>iso8859s15CodeForUnicodeCodePoint: codePoint

which maps a Unicode code point to the internal coding system

	"Convert the given string to UTF-8 from the internal encoding: ISO
Latin 9 (ISO 8859-15)"

To ease porting I suggest to have a Cuis specific


version in the Compabilitiy layer package.

It will convert the 8859-15 properly. The other Unicode points should
be replaced with the
\unnnn notation (JavaScript / Java) or HTML entities ( &#nnn; ).

Kind regards


On 1/20/13, Germán Arduino <garduino at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi:
> The first versions of Sport and Swazoo working in Cuis 4.1 with all
> tests green are ready to install.
> The changes I did in Swazoo are:
> - Avoid Unicode support that don't exist in Cuis
> WebSocketConnection:
> fromUtf8: aString
> "Squeak specific"
> "gsa 14/01/2013 for Cuis port"
> "^[aString convertFromEncoding: #utf8] on: Error do: [:ex | aString ]
> ^ aString
> toUtf8: aString
> "Squeak specific"
> "
> | converter in out |
> converter := UTF8TextConverter new.
> in := aString readStream.
> out := WriteStream on: ''.
> [in atEnd] whileFalse:
> [converter nextPut: in next toStream: out].
> ^out contents
> "
> ^ aString.
> SwazooBuffer >>closeChunkTo: aSocket
> 	" gsa 18/01/2013 used String instead ByteString for Cuis"
> 	"chunk := ByteString new: 5."
> - Avoid #fork and #forkAt: calling #newProcess instead:
> HTTPServer >>start
> start
> 	| swazooProcess |
> 	self loop isNil ifTrue: [
> 		self socket:
> 			(SwazooSocket
> 				serverOnIP: self ipCorrected
> 				port: self port).
> 		self socket listenFor: 128.
> 		self loop: (swazooProcess _ [ [ self acceptConnection ] repeat ]
> newProcess).
> 		swazooProcess name: 'Swazoo ' , DateAndTime now asString.
> 		swazooProcess priority: Processor userBackgroundPriority.
> 		swazooProcess resume ].
> instead of the original code:
> start
> 	self loop isNil ifTrue: [
> 		self socket:
> 			(SwazooSocket
> 				serverOnIP: self ipCorrected
> 				port: self port).
> 		self socket listenFor: 128.
> 		self loop: ([ [ self acceptConnection ] repeat ] forkAt: Processor
> userBackgroundPriority) ].
> HTTPServer >>setUp
> setUp
> 	| socket swazooProcess |
> 	(Delay forMilliseconds: 100) wait.
> 	server _ HTTPServer new.
> 	swazooProcess _ [
> 	server
> 		 ip: 'localhost';
> 		 port: 8123.
> 	server start ] newProcess.
> 	swazooProcess name: 'Swazoo HTTPServer Test'.
> 	swazooProcess resume.
> 	(Delay forMilliseconds: 100) wait.
> 	" 	stream := (SocketAccessor newTCPclientToHost: 'localhost' port: 8123)
> 				readAppendStream"
> 	socket _ SpSocket
> 		connectToServerOnHost: 'localhost'
> 		port: 8123.
> 	stream _ SwazooStream socket: socket.
> instead of the original code:
> setUp
> 	| socket |
> 	(Delay forMilliseconds: 100) wait.
> 	server := HTTPServer new.
> 	[server ip: 'localhost'; port: 8123.
> 	server start]
> 		fork.
> 	(Delay forMilliseconds: 100) wait.
> " 	stream := (SocketAccessor newTCPclientToHost: 'localhost' port: 8123)
> 				readAppendStream"
> 	socket := SpSocket connectToServerOnHost:  'localhost' port: 8123.
> 	stream := SwazooStream socket: socket
> Other considerations:
> SpFilename >>underlyingFilename (This method do not exist, but do not
> exist neither in the original one click aida/pharo image)
> Security class don't exist neither in the pharo one click image.
> #trimSeparators, is named in SwazooMD5 but do not seems implemented.
> To install Sport and Swazoo, follow the next steps:
> 1. Take a new Cuis 4.1 image.
> 2. From GitHub / garduino clone in your computer the repos
> Cuis-Cryptography
> Cuis-CompatibilityWithOtherSmalltalks
> Cuis-Pharo14CompatibilityLayer
> Cuis-Sport
> Cuis-Swazoo
> 3. In a workspace run the next script:
> | slash repo |
> slash _ FileDirectory slash.
> repo := '/Users/Shared/YOURCODEREPOSITORYPATH/'.
> {
> repo, slash, 'Cuis-Cryptography', slash, 'Cuis-System-Hashing.pck.st' .
> repo, slash, 'Cuis-CompatibilityWithOtherSmalltalks', slash,
> 'Cuis-CompatibilityWithOtherSmalltalks.pck.st' .
> repo, slash, 'Cuis-Pharo14CompatibilityLayer', slash,
> 'Cuis-Network-Protocols.pck.st' .
> repo, slash, 'Cuis-Pharo14CompatibilityLayer', slash,
> 'Cuis-Network-Url.pck.st' .
> repo, slash, 'Cuis-Sport', slash, 'Sport.pck.st' .
> repo, slash, 'Cuis-Swazoo', slash, 'Swazoo.pck.st' .
> }
> do:
> [ :fileName | CodePackageFile installPackageStream:
> (FileStream concreteStream readOnlyFileNamed: fileName)
> ].
> 4. You will notice some warnings in the Transcript regarding some
> Network-* classes, it is because I'm installing here only the minimum
> code that I need for Swazoo and I must still end to polish the delta
> between the Network protocol in Cuis vs Pharo/Squeak
> 5. I did also an early port of TimeStamp, not existing in Cuis, and I
> have still 1 failing test.
> But Swazoo seems to work ok, all the test pass and the tests I did in
> the workspace seems to work, but as I'm not in expert in Swazoo, I
> will be more than happy of receive corrections, suggestion, etc, to
> leave the port in a stable state.
> --
> Sincerely,
> Germán Arduino
> about.me/garduino

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