[Cuis] [aida] Marking a dialect specific code (was: A first port to Cuis of Sport and Swazoo)

H. Hirzel hannes.hirzel at gmail.com
Mon Jan 21 07:29:26 CST 2013

Hello Janko

On 1/21/13, Janko Mivšek <janko.mivsek at eranova.si> wrote:
> Hi Hannes,
> Dne 21. 01. 2013 12:28, piše H. Hirzel:
>>>>> Also, for methods which are now Cuis specific, put "Cuis specific" in a
>>>>> method comment.
>>>> Yes, or self flag: #adaptedForCuis as Hannes suggested?
>>> #flag: is Squeak and friends specific, not supported on VW. Let we stay
>>> with proven "* specific" comments instead.
>> How do you browse methods marked with a comment
>>             "* specific"
>> in Squeak and Cuis?
> Such browsing could probably be portable from VW. One of the tricks is
> also to put dialect specific methods in separate, as stable as possible
> methods, so that they probably won't change for a long time. That way
> you avoid overriding them accidentally. Even if you do that, you can
> find such error with dialect specific code browser easily.

Sounds good, but is a bit abstract.

Could you give an example, please?

> Of course a first preventive is to avoid dialect specific code at all
> and rather try to find a code which works on all dialects, a "least
> common denominator" therefore. As we are just doing with process forking
> code.


> In any case, this pragmatic way of dealing with dialect specific code
> serves me well for Aida last 6 years after the first Squeak port, so I
> propose to continue for Cuis port as well.

I assume you have a package which implements such a layer.

Could you give a reference please?

Kind regards

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