[Cuis] [Ann] SQLite3 for Cuis

Juan Vuletich juan at jvuletich.org
Sat Jan 26 15:22:30 CST 2013

Done! :)

Juan Vuletich

Germán Arduino wrote:
> Hi Juan:
> Could you update the status of Swazoo and Sport?
> https://github.com/garduino/Cuis-Sport
> https://github.com/garduino/Cuis-Swazoo
> Both are ready to use :)
> Germán.
> 2013/1/24 Juan Vuletich <juan at jvuletich.org>:
>> Cool! I added it to the list of packages!
>> Cheers,
>> Juan Vuletich
>> H. Hirzel wrote:
>>> Hello
>>> I did a port of the SQLite3 access library for Cuis.
>>> https://github.com/hhzl/Cuis-SQLite
>>> It allows to create and access SQLite3 databases https://sqlite.org/ .
>>> "SQLite is a software library that implements a self-contained,
>>> serverless, zero-configuration, transactional SQL database engine.
>>> SQLite is the most widely deployed SQL database engine in the world.
>>> The source code for SQLite is in the public domain."
>>> All data is kept in a single db file. For example the Firefox browser
>>> keeps various information in different SQLite databases. There are
>>> various browsers for SQLite databases.
>>> The original Squeak Smalltalk code is from www.squeaksource.com and
>>> was done by Andreas Raab and Torsten Bergmann.
>>> Actually talking of porting might be said too much; I basically filed
>>> the two Monticello files in as is. I had to remove one message send
>>> (see https://github.com/hhzl/Cuis-SQLite/blob/master/README.md).
>>> This is the easy and enjoyable way of porting: Minimal porting effort
>>> or no porting effort at all. Suggestions for other such candidates are
>>> welcome.....
>>> Kind regards
>>> Hannes Hirzel
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