[Cuis] Syntax error loading OSProcessV4-3-7.sar in Cuis 4.1-1739

Casey Ransberger casey.obrien.r at gmail.com
Thu Jun 27 17:18:07 CDT 2013

So after shuffling around the Monticello dance by changing .sar and .mcz to
.zip, nuking various files that aren't useful w/o MC, I'm having some
trouble filing in the OSProcess source.st.

I think I know what's going on here. Squeak probably still has
BlockContexts for back compat, and Cuis 4.1 probably only has BlockClosures

In UnixProcess>>argsAsFlatArrayAndOffsets: I have this problem...

(anArrayOfNullTerminatedStrings collect: [:e | e size])
inject: offset into: [:p :e | ws nextPut: p. *Cannot store into ->*p := p +

I don't think I've ever used #inject:into:, but looking at it, *I think*
the above means the same thing as:

(anArrayOfNullTerminatedStrings collect: [:e | e size])
inject: offset into: [:p :e | ws nextPut: p. p + e].

...which compiles just fine. Am I right, or is that going to mean something
totally different? I'm not as familiar with the inject idiom, and I don't
want to introduce a logic error.

Thinking I want to use OSProcess to talk to the command-line git client so
I can make a nice little UI for it in Morphic.

Casey Ransberger
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