[Cuis] Core-Packages

Ken Dickey Ken.Dickey at whidbey.com
Mon Apr 28 16:41:43 CDT 2014


I think it would be good to simplify the 'Contributing to Cuis' section in the README.md file.

If you adopt the attached package, you can simplify the script to:

  Feature require: #'Core-Packages'.

Hey, if you do it, it is official.  8^)

Also, it would be nice to have a line or two in the Contributing section on using Features via the 'Installed Packages' browser to automate loading required packages.

Perhaps something like:

If you are developing a package which depends on other packages being loaded, you can use the 'Add requirement' button in the 'Installed Packages' browser.

Once you have added all package requirements, you can use the 'Save' button in the browser to save the requirements with your package.

  Feature require: #<your-package> 

In a new image will then automatically load all required packages as well as your own package.

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