[Cuis] 4.1 to 4.2 migration question

Phil (list) pbpublist at gmail.com
Mon Feb 16 03:21:01 CST 2015

I'm trying to get my packages migrated to 4.2 and the OpenGL package
(https://github.com/pbella/Cuis-Ports/blob/master/OpenGL.pck) is having
problems.  Loading this package (you need to have FFI and 3DTransform
loaded first... one of the things I want to do is add the appropriate
dependencies) worked as of 4.1-1511 but is broken in 4.2-2169.  The
problem appears to be that there used to exist a parserClass method and
I wasn't sure if the reason for the removal of this method was related
to ongoing code cleanup or if there's something deeper going on
regarding VM/compiler/image changes?  Should I simply re-implement the
old logic or does this code need to be reworked?

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