[Cuis] 4.1 to 4.2 migration question

Phil (list) pbpublist at gmail.com
Mon Feb 16 21:15:29 CST 2015

On Mon, 2015-02-16 at 18:49 -0800, Casey Ransberger wrote:
> I think parserClass was there to give everyone a hook to implement
> their own parsers, because Smalltalk was (in part) a prog language
> research platform. Given that Cuis aims to be a minimal system,
> someone may have removed it as unnecessary. Also, when Juan changes
> some critical behavior, he tends to prefer coming up with a new name
> for the method and associated variables, so that folks with existing
> code aren't confused when their dependencies start behaving in
> unexpected ways; this might also be what happened.

I'm fine with it being removed... just wanted to understand why it was
removed.  I know there's been a lot of cog/compiler/vm stuff going on
recently that I haven't kept up on so thought I'd check in before just
making the minimal changes to get it working again if something bigger
is going on.

> It would be interesting to look at what wants to refer to parserClass.
> Could be one of those packages is doing something very, very
> interesting:)
It's from OGLExtManager...

forwardExtMethod: aSelector
	"Compile a forwarder method in OpenGL"
	| code parser fwdCode |
	code := self class sourceCodeAt: aSelector.
	parser := self parserClass new.
	parser parseSelector: code.
	code := code copyFrom: 1 to: (parser endOfLastToken min: code size).
	fwdCode := String streamContents:[:s|
		s nextPutAll: code.
		s newLineTab: 1; nextPutAll: '"This method was automatically
		s newLineTab: 1; nextPutAll: '^glExt '; nextPutAll: code.
	(OpenGL sourceCodeAt: aSelector ifAbsent:['']) = fwdCode
ifTrue:[^self]. "no change"
	OpenGL compile: fwdCode classified: (self class organization
categoryOfElement: aSelector).

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