[Cuis] MorphIt -- toward direct authoring with media

Ken.Dickey Ken.Dickey at whidbey.com
Tue Jul 7 08:04:18 CDT 2015

Greetings all,

I have put some pre-Alpha proof-of-concept code in BabySteps


The package is called MorphIt, the gist being drag-n-drop prototype style modification of Morphs with a general goal of multimedia style UI authoring.  Think Myst/Obsidian/Physicus/Syberia/..

As some of you may know, my style is to have a bunch of half baked ideas roiling around in my head which I tend to think through by writing code.  

Very early days yet, but anyone with time on their hands can see what works and what doesn't.  The README.md has some notes on directions.


When Michael Faraday first demonstrated electromagnetic induction, the Prime Minister asked, “Of what use is this discovery, Mr. Faraday?” Faraday replied, “Of what use is a baby, Mr. Prime Minister?”

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