[Cuis] Embedding morphs at specific points in a morph?

David Tennant d.a.tennant.2009 at gmail.com
Mon Jul 20 17:18:13 CDT 2015

Hi everyone.
I have been playing arrowed with cuis for a couple of years, but I am
extremely horrible at it. Every time I attempt to code a program I don't
get too far, but this time I want to actually make a program that works. So
I am trying to make a program that you can play mancala with. Mancala is an
abstract board game.
I decided that I should build the board first. the board should look
something like this
http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51PD0CemQkL._SY300_.jpg . I wanted
the circles and ovals to be separate classes so that I have more
flexibility later. I have 3 classes: Board, BigEllipse, and CircleEllipse.
In BigEllipse and CircleEllipse I just have initialization stuff, like size
and color. in Board I have the initialization stuff too, but I also have
what I thought would create the board, but It does not work. there are two
methods, one I called "addMyEllipse" and th other I called
"addScoreEllipse". these are the methods


    myEllipse:= CircleEllipse new.
        (1to:12) do:[
            ifTrue: [self addMorph: (myEllipse at: 35@(35+(60*n)))]
            ifFalse: [self addMorph: (myEllipse at: 110@(35+(60*n)))].
            n:= (n+1).
note: myEllipse is an instance variable.

| n|

    scoreEllipse:= BigEllipse new.
    (1to:2) do:[
        ifTrue:[self addMorph:(scoreEllipse at: 72.5 at 35)]
        ifFalse:[self addMorph:(scoreEllipse at: 72.5 at 455)].
note: scoreEllipse is an instance variable.

I don't actually know what is wrong. when I type in the workspace: Board
new openInWorld. I just get the background of the board, no ellipses. and
when I type in the workspace: test:= Board new openInWorld. test
addMyEllipse. I get an error that says, this block accepts 0 arguments, but
was called with 1 argument.

Thank you for your time
David Tennant
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