[Cuis] Display units and UI widgets in Morphic 3

Phil (list) pbpublist at gmail.com
Tue Jun 30 20:27:09 CDT 2015


I vaguely recall previously having a discussion somewhere about unit
scaling / high dpi but can't seem to find the thread.  Anyways, this
question is specific to Morphic 3: from a UI creation standpoint is
Morphic 3 still going to use pixel-based units or will some other unit
of measure be used? i.e. if you design a UI and have say a 32x32
button, is that going to need to be scaled up (understanding that this
will be trivial for Morphic 3 to do) for high-dpi displays?  Is this
even a Morphic concern or will it be up to Cuis as an environment to
have a preference for display scaling?

Related to this is the question of how much do you anticipate
higher-level UI code needing to be reworked for Morphic 3? One
of the many projects I've been playing around with giving things a bit
of a face-lift (i.e. a logging framework that can handle non-textual
data, grid and multi-element list pluggable morphs, visualization
widgets, etc... sort of along the lines of what is being done in Pharo
with the playground stuff) and am just wondering how far I should go
with this work before seeing what's involved in migrating to Morphic 3?

(I did take a quick peek at the Morphic 3 package but didn't find
answers as it looks like you're still working out the lower level


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