[Cuis] Current state of activity

Euan Mee euanmee at gmail.com
Sun Nov 8 10:18:57 CST 2015

Hi, I'm a newcomer to Cuis.

The main web-site was last updated in July 2013

How active is CUIS atm.?

Is it fair to characterise CUIS as a minimalist image for running on
top of the current latest Squeak VMs  e.g. Cog with Spur (and with the
Scorch and Sista upgrades once they are out?)

I'm looking to build Smalltalk apps to control, manage, set up and
distribute multi-platform mobile web-apps.

So what I'm looking for is a Smalltalk development environment and
development management environment
an http server and an https server
a multi-platform (Windows, Linux, MacOS) desktop GUI environment and
desktop GUI apps
a web framework

My ideal is a central desktop GUI app that can run from a Raspberry Pi
which is also running a webserver which hands out JS apps securely to
mobile devices.

I'm happy to with development work, or help backport necessary items
from Squeak/Pharo


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