[Cuis] veryShortName

KenD Ken.Dickey at Whidbey.com
Mon Oct 12 10:05:16 CDT 2015


I have been looking at FileMan and had some confusion with #FmFileEntry>>shortName.

'this.that.txt' asFileEntry name. ==> 'this.that.txt'
'this.that.txt' asFileEntry shortName. ==> 'this'  

I expected #shortName to answer the same result as baseName.

'this.that.txt' asFileEntry baseName. ==> 'this.that'

I find the current behavior confusing.  Is there a real need to have #shortName differ from #baseName?

If the current #shortName behavior is required, could the name be changed to something nore mnemonic.  Perhaps #firstPrefix ?

Thanks much,

KenD <Ken.Dickey at Whidbey.com>

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