[Cuis] cuis on pda

Juan Vuletich juan at jvuletich.org
Wed Aug 15 05:09:16 CDT 2012

Hi Jerry!

I hope you're doing well. Haven't had news from you for some time...

My apologies. I answered Juan's message without realizing that it was in 
foreign language for this list... Thanks!

Juan Diaz said:
People of Cuis, I need to run a Smalltalk on a PDA with WinCE 5.0. 
Someone told me Cuis could run on PDA. Any idea is welcome.

And I answered:
You need a VM for your platform. Some time ago I used one from 
http://www.is.titech.ac.jp/~ohshima/squeak/WinCE/ , the non GAPI one. 
These VMs are old, and they don't support closures. Therefore they can 
run Cuis 1.0, but not newer versions. You can also compile your own VM.

Juan Vuletich

Jerry Bell wrote:
> Juan(s),
> Do you mind translating for me?  
> Thank you!
> Jerry
> On Aug 14, 2012, at 6:15 PM, Juan Vuletich <juan at jvuletich.org> wrote:
>> Hola Juan,
>> Necesitas una VM para tu plataforma. Yo usé hace tiempo una de http://www.is.titech.ac.jp/~ohshima/squeak/WinCE/ , la no GAPI. Estas VMs son viejas, y no soportan closures. Así que pueden correr Cuis 1.0, pero no versiones más nuevas.
>> Por supuesto, también podés compilar tu propia VM.
>> Saludos,
>> Juan Vuletich
>> Juan wrote:
>>> Juan
>>> Gente de Cuis, necesito hacer correr un smalltalk en una pda con wince vers 5.0
>>> desearia podes usar smallltalk, me comentaron que Cuis corría o corre en pda.
>>> Cualquier idea sera agradecida
>>> saludos Juan Marcelo Diaz Corte
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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