[Cuis] [ANN] Cuis-SecureSocket

David Graham david at unthinkable.org
Fri May 25 16:40:17 CDT 2012

Hi Juan,

> I never played with it. Can you send a link? Is it available as a 
> separate plugin, or we need to use a specific VM?

It's available as a separate plugin and can be downloaded from 

It works with the latest CogVM (2550) and I believe it works with the 
current SqueakVM as well.

> This is really cool! We could use it to build a a mechanism to load 
> updates directly from the server. Very nice! I guess I'll need to take 
> a look at this asap.
That was my thought as well.

> We could also load packages from GitHub. The problem I see is that it 
> would make installing packages much easier than commiting code... This 
> might mean that less people would contribute. I think this part needs 
> more thought and discussion. What do all you think?
This is closely related to something that I'm genuinely curious about.  
I don't consider myself experienced enough to fully understand all the 
issues surrounding smalltalk DVCS, but it seems like everyone is moving 
towards file-based DVCSs (i.e. git) for smalltalk code.  Is the future 
direction to move away from smalltalk tools and integrate file based 
tools?  Again, it may be my inexperience, but it seems like a strange 
trend for such a powerful programming environment.

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