[Cuis] OSProcess status

Germán Arduino garduino at gmail.com
Tue Dec 17 05:55:01 CST 2013

Hi David:

Sorry by the delay but was a busy monday yesterday....

2013/12/16 David T. Lewis <lewis at mail.msen.com>

> Hi,
> I have updated OSProcess with some fixes for Cuis. This is not complete,
> but it provides a working version that passes most tests when running on
> an interpreter VM (not Cog). I have been working with fileouts from Squeak

mmm, I'm having a crash trying to use Cuis 1880 with Squeak 4.1.1 VM

> and I am not sure how to load an mcz file into Cuis, but if anyone would
> like to try it, the updated version of OSProcess is here:
>   http://www.squeaksource.com/OSProcess/OSProcess-dtl.87.mcz
I usually extract the sources.st from the .mcz, but don't worry I will do
it and will prepare a .pck.st. Then you can create a GitHub account and a
repo for OSProcess for Cuis.

> Before loading this, there are some changes that I made to my Cuis image
> first. Here is what I did:
> - Create the class Model as subclass of Object. This can just an empty
> class,
> but the classes OSProcessAccessor, AIOEventHandler, and
> PseudoAioEventHandler
> are subclassed from Model in Squeak. Or, if you prefer not to have a stub
> Model class, you can load OSProcess, then fix the class definitions for
> OSProcessAccessor, AIOEventHandler, and PseudoAioEventHandler to be
> subclasses
> of Object (otherwise they end up under ProtoObject, which does not work).
In Cuis we have ActiveModel, to bind models and UIs, an approach designed
by Juan and inspired in Visual Smalltalk. May be we should use ActiveModel
or you prefer Object?

> - Implement these methods from Squeak:
>     Object>>changed             (OSProcess uses changed / update mechanism
> throughout)
>     Object>>ifNotNilDo:         (older versions of Squeak do not handle
> ifNotNil: the same)
>     Character class>>cr         (compatibility, used in many places in
> OSProcess)
>     Character class>>lf         (compatibility, used in many places in
> OSProcess)
>     StandardFileStream>>fileID  (accessor needed by AttachableFileStream)
> With those methods added, OSProcess can be loaded in Cuis, and most tests
> will pass.
Character #cr and #lf are already in Cuis, the other modifications I will
evaluate if are better to include in the Compatibility Layer or as part of
the OSProcess package for Cuis (*osprocess categories).

> There is no class Socket in Cuis, so tests for socket operations will fail,
> and there will be some undeclared references to Socket.
Yes, Socket is part of the Network Kernel package, not loaded by default in
the stock Cuis image.

> The line ending conventions are different in Cuis and Squeak (cr versus lf)
> so the code that I loaded looks ugly in the browser. I am not sure how to
> fix this (probably I am just loading the files in the wrong way), but the
> code works so I am not too worried about this right now.
Yes, the way is (previous to load the code, for example in the FileList):

1. Cmd-a Select all
2. Cmd-U Convert line endings to LF characters (Cuis convention) in
3. Cmd-s Save

and then load the code.

> It's a start :)
Sure, I will do something as soon as have a bit of free time....as produce
the .pck.st package to avoid you such task. And also the installation with
prereq, to install OSProcess with only a command :)

> Dave
> Germán.
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