[Cuis] OSProcess status

David T. Lewis lewis at mail.msen.com
Wed Dec 18 17:55:14 CST 2013

Hi Juan,

On Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 12:45:03AM -0300, Juan Vuletich wrote:
> With the appropriate compatibility package and / or some tweaks to Cuis 
> (I described them elsewhere in this thread), it looks like you could 
> support Cuis with exactly the same code as Squeak.

Yes I agree.

> Given that extracting the code from a MCZ file is not hard, I could 
> write a simple tool to allow converting an MCZ file to .pck.st format. 
> This tool would also convert newline characters (cr, crlf, lf) to Cuis 
> default: lf.

I think this tool would be useful, and it would make it easier to bring
existing packages into Cuis.

> This means that if your code specifically requires a cr or crlf string 
> or character, instead of including them in a string literal, you would 
> need to use #cr, #lf or #crLf. The good part is that your code would be 
> line ending agnostic. BTW, to require a default line terminator, I'd 
> suggest adding #newLineString to Squeak, answering the same as #cr (in 
> Cuis it answers #lf).

Yes I agree, and it would be a good thing for me to make those changes.

> Would all this be ok for you? If so, all we need to do is to run this 
> tool when you publish a new version of OSProcess.MCZ, and publish the 
> result to the Cuis GitHub repo.

Yes this is ok, I like this approach.

I should mention also that running OSProcess in Cuis helps to find bugs
in OSProcess. For example, OSProcess class>>isUnix was broken, and I did
not notice the problem until I loaded it in Cuis. So this is is a good


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