[Cuis] (Minimal) requirements for Unicode support?

H. Hirzel hannes.hirzel at gmail.com
Thu Feb 7 09:01:24 CST 2013

Hello Juan, Angel, Janko, Germán, Kean and others.

Thank your for sharing ideas and engaging in this discussion.

As we are discussing now a possible Unicode support on the conceptual
level the question arises:

    What are the minimal requirements for Unicode support for Cuis?

Let me state how I see it: (perception form outside , no implementation issues)

## First of all surely

Support of reading and writing of UFT8 encoded files.
To a certain extent this is the case as of now. But is should be improved.

This may or may not mean to drop ISO8859-15 completely as file encoding format.

## Secondly

It should be possible to port web libraries like Swazoo, WebClient,
Aida, Zinc, Altitude and others without problems. This does not
necessarily mean that the files appear 'nicely' in Cuis.

## Thirdly

Unicode support for display in Cuis. Probably still the major European
languages plus special symbols. More or less the state as is plus a
few more symbols/

##  Fourthly

Having a foundation that people who want to add additional support
(e.g. Korean, Russian, Japanese) can go ahead and implement

##  Focus

We should focus on 1) and 2) first.

As of now I think I am on a good way to support this with an external
library. As for the changes in Cuis as such I think we should be
careful not to add too much complexity.
I prefer Cuis to remain lean.


Let's us come to an agreement

a) what the minimal support for Unicode should be.

b) what is the task of Juan to add into Cuis and what should reside in
external libraries.

In the meantime I'll update the notes


here describing what the current Unicode support is.

Kind regards

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