[Cuis] [ANN] A first port to Cuis of Sport and Swazoo

Germán Arduino garduino at gmail.com
Tue Jan 22 05:13:28 CST 2013

Thanks for the comments Hannes / Juan:

I will look into it when have time, or if you prefer Hannes and want
to help I will integrate it when finish with Aida.


2013/1/21 Juan Vuletich <juan at jvuletich.org>:
> Hi Germán,
> Cool! Just a remark: Cuis does include conversion to/from utf-8 for the
> charset it supports (ISO-8859-15, covering nearly all the latin alphabets).
> Cheers,
> Juan Vuletich
> Germán Arduino wrote:
>> Hi:
>> The first versions of Sport and Swazoo working in Cuis 4.1 with all
>> tests green are ready to install.
>> The changes I did in Swazoo are:
>> - Avoid Unicode support that don't exist in Cuis
>> WebSocketConnection:
>> fromUtf8: aString
>> "Squeak specific"
>> "gsa 14/01/2013 for Cuis port"
>> "^[aString convertFromEncoding: #utf8] on: Error do: [:ex | aString ]
>> ^ aString
>> toUtf8: aString
>> "Squeak specific"
>> "
>> | converter in out |
>> converter := UTF8TextConverter new.
>> in := aString readStream.
>> out := WriteStream on: ''.
>> [in atEnd] whileFalse:
>> [converter nextPut: in next toStream: out].
>> ^out contents
>> "
>> ^ aString.
>> SwazooBuffer >>closeChunkTo: aSocket
>>         " gsa 18/01/2013 used String instead ByteString for Cuis"
>>         "chunk := ByteString new: 5."
>> - Avoid #fork and #forkAt: calling #newProcess instead:
>> HTTPServer >>start
>> start
>>         | swazooProcess |
>>         self loop isNil ifTrue: [
>>                 self socket:
>>                         (SwazooSocket
>>                                 serverOnIP: self ipCorrected
>>                                 port: self port).
>>                 self socket listenFor: 128.
>>                 self loop: (swazooProcess _ [ [ self acceptConnection ]
>> repeat ] newProcess).
>>                 swazooProcess name: 'Swazoo ' , DateAndTime now asString.
>>                 swazooProcess priority: Processor userBackgroundPriority.
>>                 swazooProcess resume ].
>> instead of the original code:
>> start
>>         self loop isNil ifTrue: [
>>                 self socket:
>>                         (SwazooSocket
>>                                 serverOnIP: self ipCorrected
>>                                 port: self port).
>>                 self socket listenFor: 128.
>>                 self loop: ([ [ self acceptConnection ] repeat ] forkAt:
>> Processor
>> userBackgroundPriority) ].
>> HTTPServer >>setUp
>> setUp
>>         | socket swazooProcess |
>>         (Delay forMilliseconds: 100) wait.
>>         server _ HTTPServer new.
>>         swazooProcess _ [
>>         server
>>                  ip: 'localhost';
>>                  port: 8123.
>>         server start ] newProcess.
>>         swazooProcess name: 'Swazoo HTTPServer Test'.
>>         swazooProcess resume.
>>         (Delay forMilliseconds: 100) wait.
>>         "       stream := (SocketAccessor newTCPclientToHost: 'localhost'
>> port: 8123)
>>                                 readAppendStream"
>>         socket _ SpSocket
>>                 connectToServerOnHost: 'localhost'
>>                 port: 8123.
>>         stream _ SwazooStream socket: socket.
>> instead of the original code:
>> setUp
>>         | socket |
>>         (Delay forMilliseconds: 100) wait.
>>         server := HTTPServer new.
>>         [server ip: 'localhost'; port: 8123.
>>         server start]
>>                 fork.
>>         (Delay forMilliseconds: 100) wait.
>> "       stream := (SocketAccessor newTCPclientToHost: 'localhost' port:
>> 8123)
>>                                 readAppendStream"
>>         socket := SpSocket connectToServerOnHost:  'localhost' port: 8123.
>>         stream := SwazooStream socket: socket
>> Other considerations:
>> SpFilename >>underlyingFilename (This method do not exist, but do not
>> exist neither in the original one click aida/pharo image)
>> Security class don't exist neither in the pharo one click image.
>> #trimSeparators, is named in SwazooMD5 but do not seems implemented.
>> To install Sport and Swazoo, follow the next steps:
>> 1. Take a new Cuis 4.1 image.
>> 2. From GitHub / garduino clone in your computer the repos
>> Cuis-Cryptography
>> Cuis-CompatibilityWithOtherSmalltalks
>> Cuis-Pharo14CompatibilityLayer
>> Cuis-Sport
>> Cuis-Swazoo
>> 3. In a workspace run the next script:
>> | slash repo |
>> slash _ FileDirectory slash.
>> repo := '/Users/Shared/YOURCODEREPOSITORYPATH/'.
>> {
>> repo, slash, 'Cuis-Cryptography', slash, 'Cuis-System-Hashing.pck.st' .
>> repo, slash, 'Cuis-CompatibilityWithOtherSmalltalks', slash,
>> 'Cuis-CompatibilityWithOtherSmalltalks.pck.st' .
>> repo, slash, 'Cuis-Pharo14CompatibilityLayer', slash,
>> 'Cuis-Network-Protocols.pck.st' .
>> repo, slash, 'Cuis-Pharo14CompatibilityLayer', slash,
>> 'Cuis-Network-Url.pck.st' .
>> repo, slash, 'Cuis-Sport', slash, 'Sport.pck.st' .
>> repo, slash, 'Cuis-Swazoo', slash, 'Swazoo.pck.st' .
>> }
>> do:
>> [ :fileName | CodePackageFile installPackageStream:
>> (FileStream concreteStream readOnlyFileNamed: fileName)
>> ].
>> 4. You will notice some warnings in the Transcript regarding some
>> Network-* classes, it is because I'm installing here only the minimum
>> code that I need for Swazoo and I must still end to polish the delta
>> between the Network protocol in Cuis vs Pharo/Squeak
>> 5. I did also an early port of TimeStamp, not existing in Cuis, and I
>> have still 1 failing test.
>> But Swazoo seems to work ok, all the test pass and the tests I did in
>> the workspace seems to work, but as I'm not in expert in Swazoo, I
>> will be more than happy of receive corrections, suggestion, etc, to
>> leave the port in a stable state.
>> --
>> Sincerely,
>> Germán Arduino
>> about.me/garduino
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Germán Arduino

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