[Cuis] Cuis 4.2 is released

Ken Dickey Ken.Dickey at whidbey.com
Thu Jul 25 19:29:17 CDT 2013

On Thu, 25 Jul 2013 15:16:39 -0700
Casey Ransberger <casey.obrien.r at gmail.com> wrote:

> This is good stuff. I'm curious; should we use Ken's requirements to build
> our images? It seems like it would work well for that. The other thing I'm
> wondering is: what if we specified requirements all the way down, such that
> we might be able to build an image up from something that just has the
> compiler and a means of accessing a bootstrap script from disk?

BTW, I updated https://github.com/KenDickey/Cuis-Solitaire for provide/require.  If you look at the code, this is just a two line change (Description and classDefinition lines are original):

 'Description Solitaire Card Games'!
 !provides: 'Morphic-Games-Solitaire' 1 16!
 !requires: 'Graphics-Files-Additional' 1 nil!
 !classDefinition: #CardContainerMorph category: #'Morphic-Games-Solitaire'!

So updating projects is trivial.

We might think of adding a dummy projecy which always requires the complete set of Cuis packages.

The great thing about packages is that we can refactor and require them as makes sense.  So a "headless" Cuis for scripting is not too big of a stretch. 

Ken [dot] Dickey [at] whidbey [dot] com

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