[Cuis] Morphic in 4.1+

Phil (list) pbpublist at gmail.com
Wed Sep 18 19:00:17 CDT 2013

I've fallen a bit behind and was pleasantly surprised to see the progress in Morphic since 4.0.  One thing I ran into was the apparent change in how ellipse parameters are specified (origin and radii vs. bounding box).  I am wondering if this is just a temporary change to simplify things for work in Morphic 3 or if it is part of a longer term direction to moving Morphic to a more conceptually-based drawing model.  My own .02 is that while I like the option of the more elegant 'natural' representation that origin and radii provides where it makes sense, it could cause some headaches if the rectangle-based approach (and the underlying assumptions that this implies) were to go away.


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