[Cuis] Status of Morphic?

Phil (list) pbpublist at gmail.com
Mon Jul 6 03:12:39 CDT 2015

On Mon, 2015-07-06 at 04:01 -0400, Phil (list) wrote:
> Hannes,
> Sorry for the delay... it's taken me longer than expected to get back to
> it.  I really don't have any simple examples of porting as my stuff is
> fairly involved (i.e. drawing and keyboard handling as part of a larger
> OpenGL project etc.)  However, I do have more specifics re: what needed
> to be done.
> Keyboard focus handling

One additional thing related to keyboard focus that should probably be
handled by Morphic: various mouse (mouse wheel) and trackpad (gesture)
events get sent as keyboard events and should probably be (at least
optionally?) intercepted from the event stream and sent as distinct
events such as #scroll: etc.  No idea how multi-finger touch screen
gestures are handled by the VM these days but that is yet something else
to think about...

> Thanks,
> Phil

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