[Cuis] New updates

Juan Vuletich juan at jvuletich.org
Sat Jun 27 08:32:44 CDT 2015

Hi Folks,

Our new community member Peter van Rooijen (welcome Peter!) reported an 
intolerable slowness in the Transcript on the Mac. It turned out to be 
that direct Display access (without the double buffering Morphic uses) 
is extremely slower on a Mac than on Linux or Windows (about 1000 times 
slower!). The fix was not trivial, but the results are good. What I did 
is to have the display update deferred all the time, not just during 
Morphic update. This requires forking a new process that pushes Display 
to the actual screen if requested, but no more than 20 fps. It seems to 
work ok on all 3 major platforms, with elimination of flicker, modest 
speedup on Linux and Windows and very dramatic speedup on Mac.

I also fixed the statup issue reported by Dan, and integreated a fix to 
Process browser by Phil. Thank you all folks!

I just pushed all this to GitHub. Enjoy!

Juan Vuletich

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