[Cuis] OSProcess status

Juan Vuletich juan at jvuletich.org
Tue Dec 17 21:45:03 CST 2013

On 12/16/2013 1:08 AM, David T. Lewis wrote:
> Hi,
> I have updated OSProcess with some fixes for Cuis. This is not complete,
> but it provides a working version that passes most tests when running on
> an interpreter VM (not Cog). I have been working with fileouts from Squeak
> and I am not sure how to load an mcz file into Cuis, but if anyone would
> like to try it, the updated version of OSProcess is here:
>    http://www.squeaksource.com/OSProcess/OSProcess-dtl.87.mcz
> Before loading this, there are some changes that I made to my Cuis image
> first. Here is what I did:
> ...
> The line ending conventions are different in Cuis and Squeak (cr versus lf)
> so the code that I loaded looks ugly in the browser. I am not sure how to
> fix this (probably I am just loading the files in the wrong way), but the
> code works so I am not too worried about this right now.
> It's a start :)
> Dave

Hi Dave,

With the appropriate compatibility package and / or some tweaks to Cuis 
(I described them elsewhere in this thread), it looks like you could 
support Cuis with exactly the same code as Squeak.

Given that extracting the code from a MCZ file is not hard, I could 
write a simple tool to allow converting an MCZ file to .pck.st format. 
This tool would also convert newline characters (cr, crlf, lf) to Cuis 
default: lf.

This means that if your code specifically requires a cr or crlf string 
or character, instead of including them in a string literal, you would 
need to use #cr, #lf or #crLf. The good part is that your code would be 
line ending agnostic. BTW, to require a default line terminator, I'd 
suggest adding #newLineString to Squeak, answering the same as #cr (in 
Cuis it answers #lf).

Would all this be ok for you? If so, all we need to do is to run this 
tool when you publish a new version of OSProcess.MCZ, and publish the 
result to the Cuis GitHub repo.

Juan Vuletich

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