[Cuis] About adding a Unicode handling porting layer

H. Hirzel hannes.hirzel at gmail.com
Tue Jan 22 05:51:28 CST 2013

Hello Germán and Juan

As we have seen we can say that Cuis handles Unicode to a certain
limited extent.

I will post summary a writeup of what I know about it later. I am
interested in working/contributing to an add-on which loads Unicode
support into Cuis.

For general work I need

an add-on so that Cuis can process arbitrary UFT8 text files. However
the majority of the content characters will fall into the
range. So it is fine if the other characters are rendered as \unnn or &#nnn;

Another more rewarding put maybe more difficult way  would be to
replace the String class with a class which handles 16bit characters
instead of 8 bit characters. In terms of structure all would remain
the same. Characters would be 16bit like in Java.

This will come later. At the moment I am working on ContentPack
version 2 which will run on Cuis, Squeak and Pharo.

Kind regards


> 2013/1/22 Germán Arduino <garduino at gmail.com>:
>> Thanks for the comments Hannes / Juan:
>> I will look into it when have time, or if you prefer Hannes and want
>> to help I will integrate it when finish with Aida.
>> Germán.
>> 2013/1/21 Juan Vuletich <juan at jvuletich.org>:
>>> Hi Germán,
>>> Cool! Just a remark: Cuis does include conversion to/from utf-8 for the
>>> charset it supports (ISO-8859-15, covering nearly all the latin
>>> alphabets).
>>> Cheers,
>>> Juan Vuletich
>>> Germán Arduino wrote:
>>>> Hi:
>>>> The first versions of Sport and Swazoo working in Cuis 4.1 with all
>>>> tests green are ready to install.
>>>> The changes I did in Swazoo are:
>>>> - Avoid Unicode support that don't exist in Cuis

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