[Cuis] About adding a Unicode handling porting layer

Germán Arduino garduino at gmail.com
Tue Jan 22 06:00:57 CST 2013

Nice if you will develop the needed code!

The first need I have is on the methods of Swazoo that I commented in
other mail, but I think that is more simple, only that I don't was
aware of the already inplace support in Cuis itself.


2013/1/22 H. Hirzel <hannes.hirzel at gmail.com>:
> Hello Germán and Juan
> As we have seen we can say that Cuis handles Unicode to a certain
> limited extent.
> I will post summary a writeup of what I know about it later. I am
> interested in working/contributing to an add-on which loads Unicode
> support into Cuis.
> For general work I need
> a)
> an add-on so that Cuis can process arbitrary UFT8 text files. However
> the majority of the content characters will fall into the
>   https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_8859-15
> range. So it is fine if the other characters are rendered as \unnn or &#nnn;
> b)
> Another more rewarding put maybe more difficult way  would be to
> replace the String class with a class which handles 16bit characters
> instead of 8 bit characters. In terms of structure all would remain
> the same. Characters would be 16bit like in Java.
> This will come later. At the moment I am working on ContentPack
> version 2 which will run on Cuis, Squeak and Pharo.
> Kind regards
> --Hannes
>> 2013/1/22 Germán Arduino <garduino at gmail.com>:
>>> Thanks for the comments Hannes / Juan:
>>> I will look into it when have time, or if you prefer Hannes and want
>>> to help I will integrate it when finish with Aida.
>>> Germán.
>>> 2013/1/21 Juan Vuletich <juan at jvuletich.org>:
>>>> Hi Germán,
>>>> Cool! Just a remark: Cuis does include conversion to/from utf-8 for the
>>>> charset it supports (ISO-8859-15, covering nearly all the latin
>>>> alphabets).
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Juan Vuletich
>>>> Germán Arduino wrote:
>>>>> Hi:
>>>>> The first versions of Sport and Swazoo working in Cuis 4.1 with all
>>>>> tests green are ready to install.
>>>>> The changes I did in Swazoo are:
>>>>> - Avoid Unicode support that don't exist in Cuis
> ......
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Germán Arduino

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